Installing or Uninstalling the AMDGPU stack

Installing the All-Open Use Case


This was referred to as the “All-Open Variant” in previous documentation

Run the following command to install the All-Open components:

$ amdgpu-install -y --usecase=graphics


The -y option installs non-interactively. See Using the amdgpu-install script for more information.

Reboot the target system after running amdgpu-install.

Installing the Workstation Use Case


This was referred to as the “Pro Variant” in previous documentation

Refer to the following table to understand how to install a combination of Workstation (WS) components:

Command Installed Components
$ amdgpu-install -y  --usecase=workstation
  • Base kernel
  • Accelerated graphics
  • Mesa multimedia
  • WS OpenGL
$ amdgpu-install --usecase=workstation -y --vulkan=pro --opencl=rocr,legacy
  • Base kernel
  • Accelerated graphics
  • Mesa multimedia
  • WS OpenGL
  • Pro Vulkan
  • OpenCL

Reboot the target system after running amdgpu-install.

For more information, refer to the following sections to understand how to install individual components.


OpenGL (Default Component)

OpenGL is a default component of both use cases.

OpenCL (Optional Component)

OpenCL is an optional component and is installed only if it is specifically requested.

Two different implementations of OpenCL (legacy and ROCr) are provided. Either of these implementations or both of them can be installed on the target system.

To use the ROCr implementation of OpenCL, the running user might need additional permissions depending on OS policy. If clinfo or any openCL application does not work, check ownership and permissions of the render nodes:

ls -l /dev/dri/render*

If the render nodes are owned by group render but not readable and writable by all users, consider adding the current user to the render group:

sudo usermod -a -G render $LOGNAME

If you are an administrator, $LOGNAME can be replaced by any valid username.

Alternatively, if the render nodes are owned by the video group but not readable and writable by all users, consider adding the current user to the video group:

sudo usermod -a -G video $LOGNAME

Different Linux distributions have different ownership and permission policies for render nodes. In addition, your organization may have its own policies that override the distribution defaults. If unsure, consult the documentation for your distribution or your organization.

In some scenarios, it may be desirable to install only the OpenCL portion of the AMDGPU stack (omitting the OpenGL portion), which can be accomplished by using the --usecase=opencl option instead. The typical use case is headless compute.

Vulkan (Optional Component)

Vulkan is an optional component of the AMDGPU stack and is installed only if it is specifically requested. The --vulkan option can be used to specify which implementation of vulkan is desired.

See Specifying a Vulkan Implementation for installation options.

Secure Boot Support

The kernel modules used by the AMDGPU stack rely on DKMS. DKMS will compile the modules during installation and re-compile the modules when kernel is updated. To use secure boot with DKMS, a machine owned key (MOK), which is unique to the system, will be generated to sign the kernel modules.

Please see the section below that applies to the distro of the target system.


If you already have a MOK enrolled on your system, the driver package expects the private key for this MOK to be installed in a specific location (see table below). Prior to installing the driver, either copy the private key to this location or create a symbolic link.

Ubuntu/Debian /var/lib/shim-signed/mok/MOK.priv
RHEL/CentOS /root/mok.priv


The MOK directory contains the private key used for signing kernel modules. It is highly suggested to use disk encryption to avoid leaking this key to a malicious attacker. Please be aware of the risk.

Ubuntu and Debian Based Systems

Prior to installing the driver, enable secure boot on the target system. If secure boot is enabled during driver installation, a MOK will be automatically generated during install, if it doesn’t already exist in the MOK directory, and the user will be prompted to enter a temporary password to import the MOK certificate into the system. This prompt uses a text mode tool, which can be navigated using TAB to highlight, and ENTER to select.

Reboot the system and the MOK manager will start automatically.

See Using the MOK Manager to Enroll the MOK Certificate for further instructions.

RHEL/CentOS Systems

To use secure boot with this driver stack, you must manually import the MOK certificate onto your system. The driver installation will automatically generate a MOK if it doesn’t already exist in the MOK directory.

To import the MOK certificate, first install the “mokutil” package using your package manager:

sudo yum install mokutil

Then run mokutil to import the certificate:

sudo mokutil --import /root/mok.der

Mokutil will require you to provide a temporary password for importing the certificate. Reboot the system and the MOK manager will start automatically.

See Using the MOK Manager to Enroll the MOK Certificate for further instructions.

SLE Systems

Signing support for dkms requires dkms version 2.8, which is unavailable in SLE. If DKMS is updated manually by the user, signing can be used in the same way as RHEL, but this is untested and might not work as intended. Please use at your own risk.

Using the MOK Manager to Enroll the MOK Certificate

After requesting to import the MOK certificate and entering a temporary password, the MOK manager will start on next boot.

Hit any key to avoid continuing boot. Do no select “Continue Boot”, but rather select “Enroll MOK” and “View key 0” to confirm that the key is correct.

Select “Continue”, “Yes”, and enter the temporary password to finish enrolling the key certificate. Select “Reboot” to exit the MOK manager.

The signed driver should now load successfully.

Uninstalling the AMDGPU stack

To remove all components of the stack, run the uninstall script from anywhere in the system.

  1. To uninstall all components, run the following command:

    $ amdgpu-uninstall
  2. After uninstalling the components, reboot the target system.

  3. For complete uninstall, remember to also remove the installer package “amdgpu-install” using your package manager:

# For Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get purge amdgpu-install
# For RHEL:
$ sudo yum remove amdgpu-install
# For SLE:
$ sudo zypper remove amdgpu-install